The Intro

The Choir: 🔊

Tůt l’bû̥n monde, wiè dur ben                                 All the good people, hear very well

šé’k j’avon á dire, nû̥ lê ptì Lapîn,                           what we have to say, we the little Rabbits,

d’Sên Maguâře, ki vîn d’łen                                     about Saint Magloire, who came from afar

sù nůtře ìle dê ňér Cǒrbîn.                                         on our island of the black Crows (Ravens)

The Choir: 🔊

An Grân Bretaṅe, il’ut san béṙ.                                In Great Britain, he had his cradle

I’cruézit la měr, půr la sènt’afěre.                           He crossed the sea, for the holy business,

D’tůte lz’ìle, i’chuézit Séṙ,                                         Of all the islands, who chose Sark

půr prẏě důve sê bû̥n frére.                                      To pray with his good brothers.

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